The Big Stef remix comes from fellow Dirty Bird producer and one half of Zombie Disco Squad, Nat Self. Taking the track to a later point in the evening, this remix shows why Nat is getting the attention he is right now.
B Side Joga Bola re-touches SOLO's passion for Brazilian drums and Rhythms. Carnival worthy, this track will be a cert for the festival season. With bongos, squeaks and salsa samples over a pounding drum line, its definitely a track made to get people on SOLOs party vibe!
Remix here coming in the filthy form of a Riva Star rechunk. Voted a few months back as one of IDJ mag's top players of the year, Riva twists the track up in only the way he can, with his dirty techy beeps and burps. Beefed up drums and a hypnotic driving bass line complete this EP's in a way Dead Fish is becoming well known for!
It's received praise from all over the shop internationally with radio plays from Jaymo & Andy George - BBC1 radio, Kissy Sell Out - BBC1 radio, Sinden - Kiss fm, Joe Ransom - Kiss fm and Adam K - Kiss fm. But its not only radio thats going nuts for this. DJ's are loving it too;
Aston Shuffle: One of our favourite producers on one of our favourie labels Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :) Big support on this one
Edu K: omg! where do i start? Solo is def one of my fave artists today! Not to mention that he's probably the best engineer as well! Un-fuckin'-believable! Drums never sounded so fat! This is an EP 2 die 4 - wut? r u kiddin'? Solo, Nat Delf n' Riva Starr? Shiiit! I'll paly this shit 4 months!!! Thanx a whole lot! Edu K
Style of Eye: love it, mad feedback in the club!
Crookers: Love it! We are playn it!
Brodinsky: ALL The Tracks are BOMB. i don't know which i need to choose :) the Riva Starr Chunky chunk is really cool; i'll play a lot. solo is the future.
Axwell: Interesting
Sinden: Every track is great here. I'll probably play Joga Bola the most but The Big Stef is nice too. Remixes are cool too. keep up the awesome music
Andy George: Played The Big Stef on our R1 show, its wicked!!!
Radioclit: good stuff rrr
But don't take mine and their word for it, (I've used both original Mixes from the launch in my most recent mixtape, The Tits, Marky Mark used 'em in Technologia Technologia), Check out the video sample.
The Big Stef: 5'53''
The Big Stef ( Nat Self remix ): 5'12''
Joga Bola: 5'52''
Joga Bola (Riva Starr rechunk ): 6'08''
Once again, a beautiful release by a wicked artist. Can't wait to hear more.
or visit them at;
You can also buy the EP here.
And for those of you who want something to download for free. Try this.
Solo - Disturbed Beats 008 Mixtape
Lots of Love
Joga Bolllaaaaa!!