Oh dear, where does one begin to describe this... alright, so take two kids from melbourne named Mu-Gen and Scattermish (pictured above left to right) with one of the oldest music blogs in Australia (Scatterblog!!), throw them into Sydney's Chinese Laundry with 2 turntables each, a laptop each, Serato scratch or Traktor and a mixer... what do you get? Big trouble at the infamous Laundry last weekend presented the two together as Slap n' Dash, their set, as described above was incredible. Those crazy party boys from down south showed us a thing or two about how its done, and my god, they did it so fucking well. Their new four turntable set was absolutely amazing, had the crowd absolutely sweating and bumpin' up a storm, sometimes hearing 4 tracks at once. I must say, it was the first time i'd ever heard such a thing done, for those of you who missed it, here's part 1&2 of an ongoing mix they're playing with at the moment with 4 turntables and 2 mixers!!!
Now that you all understand what I've been talking about, you're probably asking yourself some very hard questions, the first being, 'mmm how the fuck did they do that???' I must say I felt the same way, so I went to Scattermish for some help, and this is what he had to say..
'with the 4 deck thing, yeah sometimes we freestyle, but the sets are heavily crafted, basically we have a bunch of little sections, so they're usually like 15 minute chunks, and then we choose throughout the night what to jump between depending on how stuff's going but since it's 4 turntables, and 3 or 4 tracks often playing at once, it needs to be pretty rehearsed that's why we're constantly glued to the screens, cause we're grabbing new songs, hitting cues, looping, mixing scratching etc' (hence in all the photos you're about to view, there are around about 2 with their faces in it.)
With a blog thats packed to the brim with music, mixes and general party stuff, one like myself can't help but be a tad envious, so when the chance to see these guys arose with the potential for an interview, photos and exclusive post, I couldn't help at jump at it. Anyways i figure its about enough from me, I'm going to let Mu-Gen tell the rest of their story, just a little note before I do though the interview was recorded on the night in person with no preparation on my mobile phones voice recorder, some words have been changed and the whole thing has been tidied up a touch as we were both absolutely blind.
oh, and here's another little Gem from Mu-Gen to get you in the mood, his most recent liveset containing 45 songs in around about 50 minutes, the boy is insane.

How did you get into DJ'ing??
Aaah, when I was about..10 I started drumming in a jazz band with my old man who was around 35 at the time, so I was playing with a bunch of middle aged dudes playin jazz for about 10 years, from jazz I moved into rock like skunk, power and shit like that, and from that I moved into Djing which is what i do now...
What is your favorite thing about DJ'ing?
Making people sweat, i loove making people sweat and making people dance. The main thing I crave though, because I'm not the big look up and take notice of the crowd kinda dude, is people bumping to the music, if people are doing that then im a happy dude.
I know you guys have had a pretty full calender but, what was your favorite ever gig?
Had to be the Merideth Music festival in Victoria, around about 18,000 people, 1 stage, so the whole concept of the festival is one stage, not multiple stages so no matter what music your into you gotta get down to whats happening on that one stage, we played the headlining spot on the Saturday night and it was definatly the greatest gig we've had to date.
Tell us a little bit about the blog??
Myself, Scattermish, Paz, Louis Cancut and Matt Cant, run a blog called scatterblog, its an internet blog site which we are about to turn into a dot com, we're building it at the moment, and its a music label aswell, scatter music and we've signed a whole bunch of local and international acts like, solo, scotty B, sticky K, all the guys from the blog and the whole concept is free music, im a firm believer that music should be free and the way that good artists should make their money is from touring , and if you're not good enough to tour, then you shouldnt be getting paid for it, if you can make music and you can tour, then granted you can make money, it should be like it was in the 60's where no1 made any money from their albums and people only got paid for doing gigs.
Given that you guys have had so much success in the Blog world and in clubs around Melbourne and Sydney, it's only a matter of time until you start producing, have you been doing much of this??
We have been, yeah, we've got a couple of things around at the moment, ive got a remix out on sony for ground component, a couple of originals out on scattermusic, and i think we've got a new remix happening for NASA, if everyone knows NASA, dope dude, coming out in the next 2/3 weeks i think.
Top 5 tracks at the current?? (As told by Scattermish!!)
I managed to find 2 tracks, (wicked, highly recommended!!!)
Favorite ever tune?!!?? (As told by Mu-Gen)
Steppenwolf - Magic carpet ride.
Awesome stuff guys, we very much 'Enjoyed The Show' and we very much hope to see you all again!! Don't forget to check out their blog for more exciting news, all their upcoming gigs, tracks, mixes and interviews are on there just waiting to be downloaded, and you can all see what I Hope You Do Enjoy The Show aspires to be.
Aaanyway, as usual I brought my camera along to the event, and photographed it, this is how it went down!
Much love all you boys and girls.
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