Jax Carr, Blogger extraordinaire.
There's not much that has been said about this fellow 20yr old eastern suburbs boy. I don't believe the fact that his blog (
I'm a Deckhead) is one of the biggest of its kind in Australia (and probably the Southern Hemisphere come to mention it) and after having the thing for just over a year now us bloggers know that's no easy feat.
If I'm honest he makes me kind of jealous, what with his extremely social life of interviewing master artists and dj's, hosting his own music, getting thousands of hits per day and having a newly established mixing duo, 'Talk Nerdy to Me', who played their first show at Candy's apartment last night, which I'm sure took the place by the balls and only let it go 10 minutes before the set was over because people were complaining they couldn't dance. I'm sure this guy is destined for big things in the club scene and music blogging world.
Unfortunately i wasn't there last night to see them do it, i wish i was, i mean i should have been seeing as i was up all night anyway doing a great deal of nothing but tossing and turning trying to figure out at 2am whether Candys has to enforce the 2am lockout rule or if i can still get in... So sorry i couldn't make it fellas, i didn't have the cash to stay there all night. However not to worry as our (mine and Coopa's) new night 'Twisted' launches this friday at Cake in Sydney's Double bay and we have organised these two + a little friend of theirs to provide the tunes for 2 hours so we can all see them there.
Apart from this guy making me seriously jealous there's alot more to be said about him, but i'll let him tell it himself, i got to catch up with him a week or so ago for a few midday beers and a short discussion about music, and when i finally got around to asking him about himself, this is what he said,
Why are you doing what you are doing??
When I was at university I realised that the best way for me to consistently practice my writing was to get a blog, and since I enjoy music so much I realised, hey this is the best way to get my ideas across.
How did it start??
It all started with two conversations, one with a lecturor at my uni who suggested getting an account with blogger. and the other with a mate about his experiences with blogs.
How has it grown since the day you begun to today??
It has grown at such a rapid rate, that I never expected. It especially took of after getting linked to hypem, from there it has exploded.
I hear you do alot of interviews for the blog, who are some of the biggest names you have interviewed??
A Fair few people. but the highlights would have to be,
Dave Nada, Sinden and def. Snob Scrilla.
Where can we catch you doing your dj thing live??
Mainly in Kings Cross at either Candy's or Moulin Rouge!
What can we expect from you and your blog in the future??
A site re-design is happening, layout and also to become a ".com" also some guest posts from prominent djs from sydney and abroad.
Nice work buddy, I'm sure we'll be hearing alot more from this guy and 'Talk Nerdy to Me' soon. If you wanna catch him doing his thing this week, we've got 'Talk Nerdy to Me' at Twisted! at Cake this friday night, otherwise bask in the images from the day of the interview.
Peace out all.
Don't forget to look at his blog in my 'amigos' bar, its shamefully good.
Take a bow Jax.