On The List is here to make clubbing a smoother and cheaper experience for everyone! We offer guestlists for the hottest clubs in Sydney, when you are On The List you get benefits like discount, priority and free entry! Why pay cover when you can be OnTheList. It's essentially an answer to a problem we had when we started clubbing, we never knew where to go, the only reason a promoter would talk to anyone was to make a few $$ with your name and it was always a hassle checking to see if the details had gone through. Not only do we run guestlists for the hottest clubs but we have a killer blog too featuring the latest tracks and interviews with the big names like Acid Jacks with many more to come. You can also check out our featured Dj's page with fresh up and coming talent! There rest of the plan remains top secret but big things are happening so check it out and make sure your On The List!
How long has it been running for??
After months of hard work by our systems engineer Adam developing the site, followed by 2 months of testing we have officially launched! May 22nd saw the birth of On The List with a kick ass party made possible by Smirnoff.
What made you want to start??
It was just a desire to have reliable, easy to find and easy to access info about what was going on around town. Everyone wants to have the best night out they can, so that's what we're trying to help out with - whilst saving each clubber a few $$ on entry.
Can we expect more parties??
The launch was quite a banger if I dont say so myself, Smirnoff's sponsorship made for a wicked party. But our focus is on the website, we aim to give clubbers the latest up to date info on whats happening around town, keeping it up to date is the priority for us at the moment.
What is the next step for On The List?
At the moment, we are developing version 2 of the site, we're expanding
our networks and what not, you can find us on twitter; twitter.com/onthelistau and the facebook group. Our ultimate aim is to be able to let the peoples know whats going on where and when, what they need and what they dont - we're just trying to help people have as much fun out as we (the sun's up... really!?) do! We're always open to suggestions :)
What are On The List's top 5 tunes you're feeling at the moment???
Tittsworth - WTF (Nadstrom On Drugs Remix)
Hot Pink Delorean - Party Favour (Knowlotron's Whole Nubbah Rebbah Remixxx)Calvin Harris - I'm not Alone (Deadmau5 Remix)
The Awkward Boys - Thugger
Shameless self promotion...
We're essentially here becuase we want people to be out having fun, knowing exactly who is on where and when. We don't make any dosh from the list's we submit unlike other promoters and we can guaranty (assuming you get your names down before the cut off :)) your names have been sent thru.
We genuinly want to help out the scene and the people hitting up clubs through out the week, no bullshit or anything. People want to know what's hot and we want to tell them :) We want to give the up and coming fresh talent out there an opportunity to be heard and all and all make everyone night out a lot easier.
They really do rock the party scene. Amazing work. Now, check the photos from the infamous launch party;